Thursday 2 June 2016

Why You Wanna Get Injured Doin' Yoga

I got a ton of stuff too small for a regular post. I know...
  • I'll bullet point them!
  • In between back bends, do knees knocking together. At the end of back bends, do supta baddha konasana. 
  • Frick, now my bullets are all messed up! I wanna do an e.g. but blogger keeps bulletting. Forget bullets. Bullets are crap.
e.g. You do a round of urdhva danurasana. It's not your last urdhva. So you do knees together in between urdhvas.

If that's your last urdhva, it's supta. Then next back bend pose. Got it?

Supta releases your lower back, more than knees together. Save supta, until after the last round.

Agenda item number 2.

The next time you're standing on the escalator. Look around you.

Look at the other bodies standing on the escalator. Lettin' the escalator do all the heavy lifting.

Are those bodies, being carried up (or down), are they fit or fat?

Keep standing on that escalator and you're lookin' at your future.

Agenda item number 3.

If a yoga teacher in class is all safety conscious, that's good.

If a yoga teacher in class says that you should always practice safely, and that you should never get an injury doing yoga. Run for the hills. That teach' has no clue.

Look, the stuff we do. It's intense. To say you'll never get an injury stinks of mediocrity.

Either that or a bullet proof body. But most likely, a lack of motivation, effort, and practice.

Know this: If you're practicing to get into advanced asanas, there's a high chance you're gonna experience an injury. Fact is.

If you don't get an injury, it's gonna be a miracle (and I'd be sus' as to how hard you are actually practicing).

How you recover. And how smart you are about not letting it happen again. Well.

That separates the advanced yogis, from the advanced wannabes.

Umm....I think that's it.

Get injured, J.

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