Wednesday 8 June 2016

Crow: What You Need To Know

There's only one plane of motion in crow. It's up and down.

The arms push down into the floor, the stomach sucks up through the spine, up to the sky.

There's no back to front motion. 'Cause it's a balance. This means.

That if you have a straight line going up from say, the back of the wrist, you need to get half your body weight forward of this line.

Some people are just sticking their heads forward of their wrists, thinking that this is enough weight to balance the rest of their body. Dudes.

...even Einstein's brain wasn't that big. You gotta move more weight forward. Here's a trick.

Look forward. This makes your head come forward more. It's called leverage.

Remember, how there's only one plane of motion? But you're wobbling from side to side! That's because the eyes of your elbows aren't facing forward.

Turn those biceps forward, so that the only way the elbows can bend is front to back. That's how you remove any sideways motion.

It's also what you need to build strength if you are going to start transitioning into and out of crow.

CU in class, J.

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