Saturday 18 June 2016

Can You Overtrain At Yoga?

Can you overtrain at yoga?

Does the pope shit in a forest?

Of course you can! In fact.

Yoga is so addictive, that you prolly will overtrain at some point. But.

Let's get this post the right way around...First up.

What the hell IS overtraining?

Well, every time you do yoga, or anything that is strenuous, your body needs time to recover.

If the body isn't allowed adequate time to fully recover, between sessions of strenuous activity, performance suffers.

The more you don't allow your body to recover, the more your performance suffers.

In addition to a loss in performance, you'll experience a greater susceptibility to infection (coughs and colds).

It'll probably mess with your metabolism and / or sleep. Anyway.

So you're probably thinking that overtraining shouldn't occur in yoga. And that a good yogi or teacher would never over train. ...errrrr, you'd be wrong.

Overtraining isn't you going hell for leather. Damn the torpedoes. Full steam ahead.

It can happen just from practicing. In fact yogis are more prone to overtraining, as we're encouraged to practice daily.

Now, you may not actually know that you've overtrained. You'll just think you're a bit run down. True.

So, you'll rest up a bit more. And Bob's your uncle. Before you know it, you're back on your game.

The thing to recognize, are the symptoms, and the level of exertion, that's required before overtraining occurs.

If you never get to the point of over training then, no problemo. Let this knowledge rest in your brain until the time you do overtrain. Then.

Being the switched on yogi you are. You'll say to yourself, "I remember reading once, about this thing..."

CU over training, J.

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