Monday 1 August 2016

Winners Win At Yoga

To get good at yoga. Not just fancy asnana. But breathing, focus, energy control ...the whole 9 yards. You have to be a winner.

Now all the purists are gonna be thinking that yoga non-competitive.'s not a game. doesn't have a destination.

...and they'd be correct.

But it doesn't change the fact.

To be good at yoga, you have to be a winner.

This is because the same things that create winners in life, are the same things you need, to get good at yoga.

What are these things that characterize winners? Not what you may be thinking.

So, things like perseverance, dedication, discipline, fortitude, resilience.

Notice how there's no natural ability.

That's because all the natural ability in the world isn't going to help you, if you turn tail and run at the first setback. Or, if you lack the self-discipline to apply your ability.

However, if you have average abilities but consistently apply yourself to a discipline, you'll get better.

Eventually you'll get good. Even further along the path, you'll be great.

Have you ever wondered how someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger could go from winning the Mr Olympia a half a dozen times, and then go on to be the highest paid actor in Hollywood, and then become governor of California?

It's because he practices winning. He practices perseverance, discipline, all those things that are needed to be good at yoga.

You can practice them too.

You should practice them.

Don't live a mediocre life.

Don't get to your deathbed and think, I wish I did this or that.

Live life. Practice wining.

CU in class winning at yoga, J.

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