Saturday 20 August 2016

Who To Learn Yoga From

If you're gonna learn yoga, it's best to learn it from someone who's been there.

Look at this way's easier for a teacher to help a student up to the teachers level, than it is for a teacher, to try to push a student, to a level the teacher them-self has never been.

Awkward sentence, but you get it.

So, if you're the kind of person who wants to progress in yoga, you're gonna be either:

1) a person who needs a helping hand, or

2) a person who has the motivation and drive to get yourself to the next level (...and the next ...and the next).

Obviously 2) kinda makes a teacher redundant.

So, if you're 1), the question then is, how do you find a teacher who's been there?

This is kinda easy ...all you need to do, is look to see if the teacher, is where you want to be with your  own yoga.

If you want to advance your yoga. Find a teacher who practices advanced yoga.

If you're lookin' at your yoga teacher, and you can conclude, that in the teacher's practice, they've never done xyz-asana, they're gonna have trouble getting you there.

Look where you are going. In life. In yoga.

If you want to advance your yoga, look towards advanced yoga.

Peace out, J.

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