Sunday 28 August 2016

Boom Yoga

Here's a really cool tip / trick / whatever, that you can use in life.

When a really cool thing happens...

...say you see a really beautiful sight in nature, that takes your breath away. You say "Booom".

Not a loud sharp "BOOM!". A soft, low-key, long "boooomm". Just pucker your lips and use enough breath to part them. That's the boom.

Here's what this does...

--First up, it makes you recognize that you're seeing, feeling, tasting something special. It's a moment worth noting.

--Next, it keeps you in expectation of booms. It's a positive reinforcer.

Finally, a word of caution: Don't have a word for negative events. Are you crazy?!?

Why would you want to mark that crap?

Learn from your mistakes. Don't repeat them. But please don't mark them for remembrance.

Learn the principle. Let the event fade.

Anyway, enough psycho babble.

Boom, J.

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