Monday 11 July 2016

How Yogis Become Gods And Why They Fail

Yoga is crazy powerful.

You probably don't realize it. It takes someone new looking in.

Their eyes widen. Their mouths open. They tell you you're un-freakin'-believable.

You shrug it off. It's just yoga.

It's not just the physical strength. People notice the calmness. They notice you're always smiling.

Your conversation is always on track. Your views are always the right ones to have.

Here's something you won't hear from the average yoga teacher.

Yoga is making you into a god. Now.

All you christians, don't go gettin' freaked out. Lemme explain.

There's four types of yoga. Each one takes you closer to god.

For the sake of this post, we'll call god any supernatural being that is wise, calm, strong and right (as in, correct in his/her views).

Jnana yogis study god. They try to understand god through knowledge. Their knowledge of god makes them like god, in that they understand the wisdom of god.

Jehovah's witnesses are Jnana yogis. They study the bible (although they'd be upset at being called yogis).

Karma yogis are caring and perform works of goodness. They don't require, nor do they ask for, anything in return.

Think mother Teresa and Ghandi.

Bhakti yogis cultivate love and devotion. Love is arguably god's greatest attribute. Bhaktis cultivate divine love. Think Hare Krishnas.

Raja yogis. That's us. Our bodies become strong. Our minds calm. Physically and mentally we are becoming as close to god, as our human body will take us.

This is yoga's goal. And it's not a bad one.

Gettin' back to the start of this post...

When people notice our yoga. And they will when your yoga is strong. Then immediately you have a problem. Ego asserts itself. This is our undoing.

If you can control your ego, when your yoga is strong. Then you will experience a physical and mental closeness (as close as the human body can take you), to being divine.

Watch that ego, J.

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