Thursday 21 July 2016

Can You Be A Yogi And Be An Asshole?

Great question. The answer's got to do with power. Energy.

...and the type of energy yoga generates.

...and the type of energy it takes to be an asshole. Read on.

Yogic energy is calm and centered. It's very introspective.

Asshole energy is tense and self-centered. It's in other people's faces.

About now, you are saying to yourself that you know yogi's who are assholes. And you are right.

The difference of opinion we are experiencing, is around the definition of a yogi.

If we agreed that a yogi is someone who practices a couple of hours per day (that's self practice). Well that would certainly narrow the field down a LOT.

Consider also, that someone practicing a couple of hours per day will have strong yoga.

Their yoga will be powerful.

They will be very calm and very centered.

They are firmly rooted in their power.

They just aren't gonna go from being zen chilled, to being an asshole in the blink of an eye. It just doesn't happen.

But yeah, there are people who pretend to be all yogic. And because they aren't firmly rooted in yogic power (they're pretending) ...yeah, they can be assholes.

But then again they're not real yogis.

CU in class, J.

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