Wednesday 20 July 2016

How To Breathe In Yoga

Stupid post. Everybody knows how to breathe in yoga.

It's ALL the teacher bangs on about the whole class. Nothing new here. Move on. Not ...speedy.

Let me describe it, and we'll see if anything new comes up.

On an inhale, your body fills with oxygen. You literally, physically expand. The muscles that you are lengthening, they expand.

At the top of the breathe. When you've expanded the most. You momentarily hold your breathe.

But, during that moment, you turn on all muscles that it's going to take to maintain, the skeletal position, of your body in the expanded position.

So then you exhale, and keep all the muscles contracted that are maintaining the expanded position.

Next, you inhale and your body expands beyond the previous expansion...And the cycle repeats.

That momentary hold and conscious turning on of muscles required to hold the pose, in the maximum position, while you exhale, is you learning bodily awareness.

It's also how you take the pose to the next level. By not losing the gains you've made so far in the pose.

Your yoga will be stronger and your poses will be deeper.

CU in class being strong and moving deep, J.

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