Friday 13 May 2016

Yoga's Unique Perspective

Photography is all about perspective. I like to think successful photography is about being unique.

Unique person, unique thing, unique event or unique perspective (or combinations of them).

Everything you perceive is because of a function of your body in some way.

You feel the wind on your face, running the fastest you've ever run before.

You look out from higher than you've ever been before.

What if one of the functions improved. You could see further, jump higher, run faster or smell more?

It would be unique feeling the wind on your face, running the fastest you've ever run before. Or, how the trees go by so much faster.

Or, you how everything you've ever smelt before is now up for grabs, if you could smell more.

Deeper asana provides a unique perspective.

Every time you bend further than you've ever been before, you are getting a unique perspective. A place you've never felt open in such a way before.

..the first time you see your feet from behind in a backbend.

Back to photography; next time you see a photo you really like, ask yourself: Unique person, unique thing, unique event or unique perspective?

I just made all that up...It's Friday night. I need to get out more. You know. Be unique, J

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