Tuesday 17 May 2016

Bring Yoga Back

Follow up post to "How Yoga Lost Its Way"

In that post we argued that money is now in charge of yoga. And because of this, yoga now bends to the mass of consumers, rather than the masses bending to yoga (pun intended).

In other posts, we questioned where all the back bends went, and tied that into this bowing to the masses. Give 'em what they want. They don't want backbends.

In this post, we give a passing mention to how hard we see yoga teachers trying to teach funky flows. New moves. Fresh outta <insert hip, happenin' yoga location>.

You see guys, these teachers and studios, that omit asana families (like backbends), or that feel they have to funk up their flows, in order to be successful, are robbing you.

Not of money. Of yoga.

It's only after years and years of practice, that you'll start to see that, what you needed all along, was a solid basic practice.

One that builds on itself, and fully equips you with all the tools you need to climb Mount Yoga.

The way yoga's being taught now, you guys are gonna hit high altitude, and figure out some important bit of equipment is missing. That you need to get to the top.

So, then you have to go all the way back down. Pick up the equipment, and start climbing again.

The good news, is that there's probably a few yoga teachers around that understand this. You need to find them.

They're the ones with the boring classes that include all the basics and where you're probably gonna (shock, horror) sweat during class. Yep, yoga's a workout.

So, try different studios. Find the ones that stick to the basics. Find ones that actually include backbends or that have backbend props lying around.

Find classes the make you sweat.

Here's yoga:

Repetition of the same boring old poses, until you get them. Then repetition of new poses, that soon get boring, until you get them.

Rinse, dry repeat, J

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