Friday 25 December 2015

Guys Guide To Starting Yoga

So you're a dude and you wanna give this new yoga thang a go. Here's what to do and what to expect:

You'll Be Lonely

Expect to be the only dude in class. Bonus if another bloke shows up. But don't count on it.

Expect girls to give you a wide berth, if you are a guy at a yoga class.

Look, the girls don't know you. They came not expecting to see a guy in class. Don't sweat it. Just focus on the yoga.

Now that last sentence is the biggest DO. Focus on the yoga.

I highly advise going to class alone. Probably the worst thing you could do, is show up with a mate.

The chances of a monumental f*ck-up by mates attending their first yoga class together, rises exponentially with each additional mate.

It's Not A Social Event

If you came because you think that yogis are open minded etc, and you have interpreted this as meaning yoga is some sort of social gathering, you are entirely mistaken.

Yoga is a solitary endeavor. Even in a room full of people.

With yoga, you withdraw the senses and focus on a point on the floor, or wall, or ceiling. Not other people. In fact, you'll just end up falling over if you watch other people. Don't do it.

If you are new, and have to look around to see what people are doing, because you don't know the moves, don't look at the same person all the time.

Expect to speak to nobody but the teacher. And then it'll be to get your name and any injuries. Any more social interaction than this is a bonus.

Don't be head bobbing around the place looking for someone to speak to. Be approachable, but let people come to you. But don't count on it.

Yoga's a solitary practice over many years. Yoga friendships can take the equivalent time to develop.

What To Wear

Do not wear short shorts. 

Do wear long shorts or long pants. 

If you wear shorts, then DO wear some skins underneath. Just don't wear shorts and briefs (this is just a recipe for a wardrobe malfunction, in a couple of poses I can think of).

I wouldn't advise wearing tights either. Just not a great look.

So, long shorts with long tight legging style underwear or long pants. 

Now your top. Only take your top off in a hot yoga class where the temperature is over 100 Fahrenheit or 40 Celsius.

Any class that is conducted in lesser temperatures, leave your top on.

Now, if you wear a top that's too baggie, it'll constantly fall over your head. What? Just trust me. No big baggie tops.

You'll want a fitted top. Doesn't have to be skin tight. But does have to have minimum give.

Sweat And Body Odor

Yoga is a physical activity. Expect to sweat.

Minimize your odor by showering and using underarm before class, but don't sweat the sweat during class.

Don't wear cologne to class. Underarm yes. Pongy cologne no.

Pre-Class Preps

Hydrate before class. Don't be gulping down water during class.

Go to the toilet before class. Don't be leaving to go to the loo during class.


If you use a studio mat, you'll be expected to clean it at the end.

If you are a heavy sweater, invest in your own mat.


Omming (try saying a_u_m) is the chant at the start and or end of class (sometimes during). Contrary to what you may have heard, yoga isn't religious. Spiritual yes (in that it lifts your spirit).

If you do om, know can't om out of tune. In fact.

If you are all omming in tune, you are doing it wrong. Just do it and don't give a toss about how it sounds.

Partnering Up

If the teacher asks you to partner up and there is another guy in class, walk straight over to him and ask if it's ok to partner with him.

If the teacher asks you to partner up and there is another guy in class and he immediately partners up with someone, then you are fresh out of luck. 

Unless, someone approaches you, wait for the teacher to either suggest someone or you partner with the teacher. Same goes for if you are the only dude.

Now, this doesn't mean that you won't get a partner. 

Really serious yogis probably won't care who they partner with. So don't be shocked, if the super flexi yogi chick, who can do all the poses, standing next to you, gives you a nod.


At the end of class, everybody lies around on the floor on their backs for a couple of minutes in silence. This is called savasana (shav-as-ana)

Don't fidget in savasana.

Don't skip savasana. Yoga is about being still. Savasana is where you practice being still, which is what yoga is ALL about. 

People who skip savasana are not yoga practitioners. They should go back to pilates or barre or wherever you came from.

Get A DVD And Practice First

If you are a guy and you want to get into yoga, try a DVD first. 

Try the Bryan Kest Power Yoga Complete Collection which is available from Amazon. It's an old one, but is a solid intro to yoga, and will put you firmly on the right path.

Final Words

You've been given a lot of absolutes in the above. They are designed to get you up and rolling with a minimum of fuss. 

A lot of what I've said can be bent when you know what you are doing. Until then, stick to the script.

Good luck, J.

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