Tuesday 15 September 2015

YOGA: The MORE You Practice, The WORSE You Get

Self Survey

         ...where do you rate your yoga practice?


Now, have a think about this and come up with an answer. It's important.

...got the answer yet?

Yes, collect $200 and proceed. No, go directly to jail.

Ok, here's the real yoga lowdown.

If you rated yourself anything other than a beginner - irrespective of how long you have been practicing or how flexible or strong your are - you are kidding yourself. Don't believe me?

Ask some real yogis. Betcha they say they are advanced beginner or something equally vague. You see.

They know that,
       ...the more you practice,
                  ...the better you get, but
                              ...the more you realize how far you've got to go, so
                                         ...the less you rate yourself.

Weird, but oh so true.

So, if you're talking with someone about yoga, and they describe themselves as just a novice...be aware you could be talking to someone who's been practicing their whole life.

Then again, if you are talking yoga with someone, and they say they are advanced...they're talking out of their arse and know nothing about yoga.


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