Monday 14 March 2016

The Yoga Sweet Spot...Where All The Progress Happens

If you want to make progress...I mean real progress, you gotta get to the sweet spot.

It's the place where you are doing so much yoga, that the gains just pile on.

It's hard to describe.

Ummm...Let's use an example. For your car to run the fastest it can, it needs to be in tune. That is.

All the parts are operating in synch. So now all your car has to worry about, to run it's fastest, is actually running fast. The other bits that support this have been taken care of.

Same with the yoga sweet spot. It's when you are doing so much yoga, that your body is the best it currently can be. So all you have to worry about is taking it to the next level i.e. running its fastest.

So, I'm currently trying to improve my backbends.

If, every time I attempt a backbend, I have to work through tight hip flexors and poor leg strength, then I won't be making as much progress in my backbends, compared to not having to work through those areas.

If however, I've been doing tons of yoga, and my hip flexors are loose and my legs are strong. Well, all that's left to work on, are the backbends.

So, the whole point is, you do so much yoga, that you start to make disproportionate gains (huge gains). Whereas, below that amount of yoga, your gains are constricted.

In a nutshell, do heaps of class yoga, and then, throw on top some personal practice in your weak areas, and you'll make huge gains in your weak areas.

Contrast this less yoga and you'll struggle to make gains in the areas you are specifically targeting, because you have to work through other areas.

These other areas rob you of energy, flexibility and strength that you could be otherwise using in your target area.

Clear as mud?


I'll have a think about it, and try to update the post to make it simpler and clearer.

But do more yoga! J.

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