Tuesday 19 January 2016

Where Does The Bottom Hand Go In Trikonasana?

WOW! This polarizes people.

Who woulda thought the placement of the bottom hand (inside foot/shin, on foot/shin or outside foot/shin) would be such a BIG deal in trikonasana.

Apparently it is.

What's the right answer? (And you know that there's gonna be a right answer.)

Got it?

Ok...Here we go...

The correct position for the bottom hand in triko...

Drum roll....symbols....

...is where you get the most spinal extension. 

Yep, screw where the bottom hand is. Are you getting spinal extension? Otherwise why are you doing the pose? To get less benefits (you crazy yogi you)?

Same if you are using triko to build core strength through the side of your body, except the fingers of the bottom hand won't be touching the floor.

Now, this may be news to a lot of yogis, but we do yoga to get stronger, longer and calmer.

Now, why wouldn't you extract every little drop of long, strong and calm out of every pose?

Every pose, in every way. You need to be maximizing ALL the benefits. Not just a few.

This is economical and effective practicing. Which means you are experiencing the yoga journey at a slightly faster clip than your average yogi. (Not your average bear.)

So yeah, experiment and place the hand where it's gonna get you the most benefits.

On or off the shin. On or off the floor. It's all good if it feels good.

Catch ya in class, J.

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