Thursday 19 November 2015

How To Approach Yoga

When we talk approaches to yoga, we are really discussing contentment (santosha in yogese).

Now, the love, dove, peace and power to the people, yoga hippie crowd, will say to be content with where you currently are. Ok, fair enough. If that's the case...

You can roll up your mat, go home, nuke a pizza and cue season 6 of The Walking Dead. Yeah.

Being content with where you currently are, only inspires couch-ass-ana-beer. We rock up to the mat because we aren't content with the way things are.

Our discontentment can manifest itself as motivation. And if we act on that motivation, then that's us actually practicing yoga.

Yoga is a little bit different from other movement disciplines, in that it offers benefits beyond the physical.

You move, you connect the breath, you focus, you quieten the mind. You leave your mat a little bit longer, a little bit stronger, a little bit looser, a little bit calmer.

Now a person looking at you sees a person who is relaxed but strong, focused but calm. What's not to like?

Why wouldn't you be motivated to be this way? Why would you be content with being less loose, less strong, less calm?

It's kinda like the power setting on vacuum cleaners - why on earth would you want to suck up less dust?

No wonder we keep coming back. Peace, love, save the whales, happiness to all beings, etc, J.

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