Tuesday 13 October 2015

Why The Commercialization Of Yoga Shouldn't Worry You ...One ...Little ...Bit

Commercialized yoga is awesome. What's not to like?

There's more classes. More choice within classes. More clothes. Mats. Props. It's all happening.

Teachers are getting work. Students are getting practice. It's win win all the way.

Sometimes you hear gripes about the 'industry'. Or how 'authentic' yoga has been hijacked by Western consumerism. ...ism shcmism.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the commercialization of yoga.

At the end of the day you decide how far you are going to take this journey.

Not the person teaching you.

Not the people in class with you.

And not the shiny, totally feng shui, new yoga centre that's opened up, in the high class shopping centre, across from work, or down the road from home. In fact.

When you get serious about this practice, all the commercialization fades.

You become your own teacher.

That last sentence is so true. When it happens - and it will happen if you keep practicing - there's nothing anybody can say or do that will alter your path. Not only that.

You'll practice whether there're classes or not.

You'll progress even if the 'teacher' says the wrong thing.

In fact, you'll be able to tell if they are saying the wrong thing instinctively. AND you'll treat it as a distraction to be registered but not reacted to. Yoga is that awesome.

Now, if you are a teacher, and 'it's' happened and you are looking back at a class of high fashion, hipster wankers. Remember.

You might have been one of those wankers back in the day. So all is not lost.

Focus on giving quality instruction. And keep on giving it as long as people keep on coming.

Hipster students, nazi yoga teachers, centers everywhere. So much opportunity to practice physical and spiritual yoga.

Modern yoga is freakin' fantastic, J.

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