You know you've been on the yoga wagon too long, when you suddenly notice that leggings are your good clothes.
You know you've been on the yoga wagon too long, when you suddenly notice that nobody can remember you not in a pony tail.
I spared you the lame one, about the Prius, J
Ok, the original title was...
You Know You've Been On The Wagon Too Long, When San Pellegrino Is Your Favorite Mineral Water
But it wasn't getting too many hits. So had to change it.
Representatives of San Pellegrino company.
(You yogis may as well leave. This next bit is going to be as boring, as meditation at lunchtime, on a crowded corner)
(Cough. Cough) Representatives of San Pellegrino company.
Only a true devotee, could pen, such truly fantastic slogans, for your company.
Because I love you...
...the slogans are yours, for only USD10,000.00 each.
Please contact me to arrange payment.
Alright, 'cause I love you (but you still owe me the money!)...'s how you use it in commercials (USD10,000.00 per commercial of course)...
Fist commercial is a power point deck. You know, educating you.
You see a dude dead drunk. Text "Drunk people."
You see a dude (same dude) in a circle getting counseled. Text "Who recover."
You see a dude with a heap of mineral waters in front of him. Text "Choose San Pellegrino."
You see a dude tasting one of the mineral waters. Text (still) "Choose San Pellegrino."
You see a dude pointing at San Pellegrino. Text (still) "Choose San Pellegrino."
(There's like a million dollars worth of subliminal messaging, right there in those last three slides.)
Commercial number two, is a follow up commercial.
Dude's at a bar with some work buddies (use guys in suits...cause only dipshits wear suits to bars, when they don't have to). Whatever,
Anyway, the guys are ordering drinks, and the dude makes the no gesture with his hands, then points at San Pellegrino.
This is important. Pay attention: the no and point are in time with the cool music being played (cause you don't hear the dudes talking. It's just gestures and music)). <sigh, try to keep up>
Anyway, we get the same thing, in a number of different bars, with different people (Same dude. Keep up).
Here try this rhyme to remember:
"No, no!
San Pellegrino."
So it's two hand crosses, and a point at San Pellegrino. "No, no! San Pellegrino"
So at the last bar, we get the two no gestures, but he can't make the point gesture, cause there's no San Pellegrino. Anyway, long story short.
You see him ask, in a stunned way, "But, where's the San Pellegrino?"
Bar tender says no.
Fade to black.
Focus white text, "You Know You've Been On The Wagon Too Long, When San Pellegrino Is Your Favorite Drink"
Commercial number 3.
Dude's at the bar with his buddies. They aren't asshole, cause they're not in suits. Anyway.
Dude's drinkin' his San Pellegrino as usual.
Anyway, the dudes buddy points at the San Pellegrino, then does a sweeping point at the other mineral waters.
Important: San Pellegrino, must be the MOST represented mineral water presented - use a fridge with a glass front. 50% San Pellegrino. 50% the rest. Anyway.
Then the dudes buddy shrugs why.
Dude pulls a bitter face (tongue out slightly). Points at the drinks.
Then he nods his head at the San Pellegrino.
Ok, Mr San Pellegrino Company. Here's what your multi-million dollar ad agency didn't tell you...
The easiest way, to get a message across, is making the message, easy to understand.
Don't underestimate the power of easy.
If something is hard, it's powerful right? Think of a bodybuilder's bicep. Flexed. Power.
What's the exact opposite of 'hard'? 'Easy' right?
So, easy has the same magnitude of power as hard. So easy's powerful.
Yep. That is savant genius, at work.
Talk when you've got the money, J