The levels I'm talkin' about go along these lines...
Asana with breath
Asana with breath and focus
Now, right about here, things start to get interesting. You see.
Yoga beyond this point doesn't just change you physically, from here onwards, yoga changes you as a person.
Think of yoga in terms of how much it has penetrated you. So maybe think in terms of layers.
Asana penetrates your skin and muscles. It's physical.
The breath penetrates deeper.
Beyond the breath, the penetration is at the emotional level.
So What Happens When Yoga Starts Changing You AS A PERSON?
The good news is that it's all win for you. You see
If yoga starts to change you and you are not living a destructive lifestyle, then it will enhance your existing relationships.
If yoga starts to change you and you are living a destructive lifestyle, then it will guide you away from destructive influences and it will replace them with constructive relationships.
Kinda gives new meaning to the word surrender doesn't it, J.
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