Saturday, 29 August 2015

Real Yoga Etiquette

Yeah, yeah, like we are gonna turn up to class all smelly,

...or we are gonna openly stare at the yoga supermodel bending into a pretzel,

... ...or we are gonna leave before savasana.

... ... ... yada, yada

B...O...R...I...N...G etiquette.

Listen up yoga's the real deal...


Where to look

Don't look at anybody for the duration of class...your visual focus should be on a point on the floor, wall or ceiling depending on the pose. And when on the mat, you are always in a pose. This includes pre-class, warm-up.

Because your focus is always on the floor, wall or ceiling, there's no way you can catch anybody's eye, to ask a question or something equally silly.

Store your questions / comments and look it up later, or catch up with whomever after class. If it's that important, it'll still be around then.

The only time to make eye contact, is with the teacher after they say Namaste (they will look around the class). Smile and mouth thanks.

How to move

Think about what the physical benefits of yoga are:

strength + flexibility + balance + agility = grace. 

So try to move gracefully, no straining, grunting, groaning or labored breath.

Think about what you look like in somebody else's peripheral vision. Say what?

Yep...weird, I know. But in your fellow student's peripheral vision, when they see you...

....are they seeing choppy, zig zaggin' spasms that make them lose focus and look at you?

...or are you moving so deliberately, with practiced intention, that it just looks like somebody moving to a melody in the distance?

You should be gently, helping and coaxing them into the pose with your melodic movement in their peripheral. It's a dance. If you start dancing so will they.

From the moment you walk into the practice area until you walk back out again, move with grace.

No fidgeting

You usually get the option to get it out of your system on the first down dog. After that it's all yoga business... get into the pose and be still

Now, we talked about grace before. And there's a natural grace of movement while in a pose.

Say you are in warrior 2. In time with your breath, on your inhales, rise slightly (imperceptibly). On your exhales, slowly sink in deeper. It's a dance and you are the swan.

Your slight up and down movement, in time with your breath, will encourage others to be calm and breathe.

This is as opposed to the person swingin' their arms about or gawking down at their feet or anywhere else (remember those focal points we were talking about). 

Now this even includes when the teacher asks everyone to look at their feet to check their foot positioning. Yep, the cool kids know if their feet are in the right spot or not. 

No need to be checking up on yourself and interrupting your focus. Don't believe me? 

Watch the old hands the next time the teacher asks everyone to 'check up' on themselves. Betcha they don't look down.

Ok, that's enough etiquette for now. Be quiet, move gracefully (which means no fidgeting as well).

Pretty simple eh?

Practicing this way, helps you and helps others.

Peace out, J.

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